
5-string violin

Emilia plays the 5-string violin ”Biancospino” (2009) made by Swedish luthier Per Klinga.


Emilia has three different nyckelharpas, which she is playing in different bands and projects.

Emilia plays the three rowed chromatic nyckelharpa (2013) made to her specifications by the renowned Swedish luthier Esbjörn Hogmark. Emilia´s nyckelharpa has three rows of keys, 4 bowed strings, which has tuned a, c, g, and c. And it has 12 sympathetic strings. The bow of this nyckelharpa is made by Jean-Claude Condi from France but Emilia has also traditional nyckelharpa bow made by Esbjörn.


Emilia plays the kontrabasharpa (1989) made by Hasse Gille (1931–2012). As nyckelharpa player Olov Johansson wrotes on his website kontrabasharpa was the popular model during the 16-1700´s until the very beginning of the 1800´s. Instrument has two strings for melody playing and strings for drone between the melody strings. Kontrabasharpa has inspired Emilia a lot to create new music for example Vainaan perua – Deep in the Dregs

Photo by Jani Snellman.


Emilia has ordered esseharpa “ähtäväharpa” from the Finnish luthier Rauno Nieminen. And on beginning of 2025 it will be ready for action.

More about nyckelharpas from Olov Johansson´s website

Other things

When light amplification is needed, Emilia uses DPA-4099 microphone with nyckelharpa and DPA-4061 with violin. In high-feedback environments she has been experimenting with piezo microphones and ToneDexter.