Emilia Lajunen, fiddle, nyckelharpa
Johanna Juhola, accordion, claviola
Eero Grundström, harmonium
Sara Puljula, kontrabas
Spontaani Vire is a long-established Finnish contemporary folk music band, whose special characteristics are energy, virtuosity and hard-edged attitude. The quartet has performed extensively in Finland and abroad (including the Nordic countries, USA, Central European countries) and has been successful in competitions (including the first prize in the Jorma Panula Playing and Arranging Competition in 2000). The quartet’s repertoire combines traditional Finnish folk music with new compositions. Their distinctive and nuanced style is influenced by world music, progressive rock and jazz.
All members of the ensemble have studied at the Folk Music Department of the Sibelius Academy and are music professionals with a wide range of musical backgrounds. In addition to numerous dance and theatre productions, the musicians are familiar from Sväng, Von & Af, Pekka Kuusisto & Luomu players, Ulla Tapaninen & Nasevat Kurtut, Duo Milla Viljamaa & Johanna Juhola, Hereä, Gjallarhorn, Suo, Silmu, Troka..
Kaahu (self-published)
Korkea kofeiinipitoisuus (Texicalli Records 2008)